Sunday, November 2

media//noir with bear bear. sunday mourning 10-12

god damaged at ten in the morning with bear bear:

1. bonnie 'prince' billy "wolf among wolves" master & everyone
2. deerhunter "nothing ever happens" microcastles
3. wrnlrd "grave gown" oneiromantical war
4. woody guthrie "rye whiskey" library of congress recordings
5. pavement "blue hawaiian" brighten the corners*
6. testament "the new order" the new order
7. archie bell and the drells "tighten up" tightening it up: the best of archie bell and the drells
8. beirut "the penalty" the flying club cup*
9. bruce springsteen "we shall overcome" we shall overcome: the seeger sessions*
10. samothrace "cacophony" rough mix
11. alela diane "the pirate's gospel" the pirate's gospel*
12.cobra noir "eucharist" adobe of the dead
13. camera obscura "houseboat" biggest bluest hi-fi*
14. c spencer yeh " violin solo" live
15.mirah and the spectatrone international " community" share this place*
16. burning star core "beauty hunter" beauty hunter
17. yo la tengo "don't have to be so sad" summer sun*
18. thou "smoke pigs" rough mix
19. patsy cline "she's got you" 12 greatest hits*
20. the special "concrete jungle" s/t
21. gnaw their tounges "slave ep excerpts" slave ep
22. the misfits "halloween" the coffin

* denotes bee bee's picks

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